I am an affiliate for Ultimate Success Masterclass and highly recommend the course, for helping you to achieve your goals and dreams in any area of your life.
Once I’d finished Natalie Ledwell’s (creator of Mind Movies) Ultimate Success Masterclass USM course, I curiously went through my finances as I calculated my earnings during the three months and a few weeks I took to do the course.
Before you read any further, I’d like you to know that I am an affiliate of Ultimate Success Masterclass which was kindly given to me to try by Mind Movies. I have, however, personally completed this course to help me with my goals of successfully building my yoga business and increase my income, and highly recommend it especially if you have a specific goal you’re working towards — this could be in any area of your life.
My main goal for the course? To make as much money as I did in full time employment so I could continue living in London. The result? By the end of the second month, I’d almost doubled what I was previously earning before the course, and by the end, I hit my goal. Read on to find out how, or scroll to the parts that are most relevant to you.
Why I decided to do this course?
I was kindly given this course for free in return for writing about my experiences. My main intention was to make a good living doing the things I enjoy — teaching yoga, writing, and making yoga inspired artwork — and staying self employed.
Before I delve deeper into what the course has done for me, I’ll give you some context if you’re new to my website.
As I came close to finishing my initial yoga and meditation teacher trainings in London two years ago, I always just assumed I would work three days a week in the same line of work I’d been doing, and then teach yoga and work on my website on the side.
This, however, isn’t how it worked out, and I’m incredibly grateful for that. The truth is that deep down I didn’t think I was capable of working entirely for myself, and earning as much money as I did in a full time job seemed a long way off.
Since I started working for myself, I qualified to teach yoga, started to make a passive income from my blog, spent three months in India to do a more advanced yoga teacher training, and also managed to save more money than I ever had before.
However, one of my main worries was that I wouldn’t be able to afford to live in London being self employed. I would have to start making as much money as I did in my previous full time jobs. In a lot of ways, I was getting by financially, saving a lot, but I knew what I was doing wasn’t sustainable in the long run.
To continue living in London which I wanted to do, I had to start earning more money, especially as I didn’t have all the same perks of sick leave, holiday pay… etc, that employed people have. I’d already done a lot of work previously on removing blockages related to money. However, I now had a clear goal to accomplish and this is where Natalie Ledwell’s Ultimate Success Masterclass came in.
At the end of this course, I hit my first goal in just over three months, earning slightly more than I did in full time employment in a management position, which might not seem like much, but it’s helped me to see that so much more is possible.
How the Ultimate Success Masterclass (USM) course works
USM gives you a framework, all the support you could ask for, and a clear time frame. I know that when I decide to repeat the course for other goals, it will work for these too. It’s designed in a way that will help you to shift your mindset, making it difficult for you not to fulfil your goal.
At the start of the course, you’re given the opportunity to first set an intention and goal to achieve during the course as well as choosing an area of your life to focus on such as health, romance, business and career, money, spirituality…
It’s really important at this point to just pick one area to focus on — something I wouldn’t have done before, but this is really important, so you have chance to focus on your goal and not get distracted. If you do have other goals you’d like to achieve, you can redo the course as many times as you like with a different focus.
I chose business and career, and set myself two goals. The first one being to earn as much money as I did in my previous career in full time employment, and the second goal was to earn the same as my boyfriend so we’d be equal in what we earn.
I’m pleased to say that during the three months of the USM course, I started to earn slightly more than I did in full time employment as a yoga teacher and owner of my website Thought Brick . If you’d have asked me if this was possible several years ago, I would have doubted myself. My second goal will take a bit longer but I’m getting there and I know it’s only a matter of time.
Care and support throughout the whole course
In many ways, this is the ultimate practical ‘law of attraction’ course minus all the fluff. And it works. I won’t go into the specifics of the course but having done a few online personal growth courses now, one of the first things that struck me about the Ultimate Success Masterclass is that Natalie Ledwell really cares. Every week, she does a live webinar related to each module, and in addition to this, you’re encouraged to ask her questions throughout the course, which she will then personally respond to. A lot of time, thought and love has gone into making the course what it is.
You also have access to the whole USM community where you can find yourself an accountability partner or a whole accountability team to help you reach your goal. In my experience, the other people doing the course with me were so encouraging. The community aspect of USM is pretty unique, in that I haven’t experienced anything as supportive with any other online course. Sometimes it can just help to know that other people are there accomplishing similar goals to you.
There are 12 modules in total which can be completed in your own time. Modules cover everything from defining your core values to eliminating self limiting beliefs and breaking through your challenges.
Here’s the breakdown:
Module 1: Create a Positive Vibration
Module 2: Set a Clear Intention
Module 3: Create Empowering Affirmations
Module 4: Activate the LOA
Module 5: Take Inspired Action
Module 6: Eliminate Self-Limiting Beliefs
Module 7: Define Your Core Values
Module 8: Find Your Passions
Module 9: Break Through Your Challenges
Module 10: Use Your Thoughts & Language for Success
Module 11: Stay Connected to Source
Module 12: Put It All Together
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Making my mind movie
A big part of the course that I loved doing was creating my personalised mind movie which I then watched twice every day for the whole course. A mind movie is a bit like a vision board, only with moving images, music, and affirmations added to each image. For anyone who loves a vision board, this is a major upgrade!
To create your mind movie you have access to the mind movies creation kit, which is really easy to use, and then it’s yours to make as many mini mind movies as you like for different areas of your life.
You have access to loads of images to make your mind movies with, or you can upload your own images. I used a mix of both. Adding in a few personal photos helped to make it seem more real. Throughout the course, you can also edit your mind movie — adding or taking away any images or affirmations, to make your moving vision board the best it can be.
How much time does the course take?
You can complete the course in your own time. So, although it takes three months at the least, if you have less time, you can complete the modules at your own pace and take as long as you like. I think it’s good to have a time frame or an end date though, because it helps you to work a bit harder at accomplishing your goal.
There is no time limit to this course which is great. I know with some courses your access is taken away at a certain point or you have to pay more for additional months, but with USM, you’ve got the course for life, which means you can repeat it as many times as you like for different goals and areas of your life.
In terms of how much time the course takes up on a day to day basis — your mind movie will be no more than three minutes long, and you watch this twice a day: once in the morning and once in the evening. There’s an app you can get for free for your phone so you can also watch your mind movie on the go from your mobile. You then have a new module video, and worksheet to complete each week, which you can do in your own time — taking longer than a week if you like.
Throughout the course, you’re encouraged to take action steps, which I found incredibly useful. Far too often, it’s easy to just read a book, retain the knowledge and then do nothing about it.
You can’t do this with this course — you have to take small steps all the time. Examples, of some of the smaller steps I took included creating my yoga website (clarehudson.yoga) with the help of my boyfriend (previously, this had been on my ‘to do’ list for a year!), making myself some business cards, and designing some yoga t-shirts to sell on my Etsy shop.

Screenshot of my yoga website which I created as one of my action steps on the course. Once this was up and running I significantly increased my yoga clients.
Each day I made sure I did something to move me closer to my goal, even if it was simply reflecting on how I was currently operating and looking at ways to improve.
Ultimately, it’s up to you how much more time you put in to achieving your goal on top of the work you’re asked to do for each module. The course basically fits around your life.
Do I have any criticisms and is this course for everyone?
If you’re serious about accomplishing a goal you’ve wanted to do for ages and haven’t been able to for any number of reasons, then yes I think you could really benefit from this. However, you have to be committed.
The course will give you the framework and the tools, but it’s up to you to keep going. You might have to make changes to your mindset in order to move forward, which you have to be willing to do for this to work, so some parts might feel uncomfortable.
There were also times just after the first month and a half when I started to find my mind movie get repetitive — but it’s the repetition that makes it effective, so I can’t really complain about this one.
The repetition also helped me to notice or attract certain things related to my goal, such as a free workshop for self employed people working in the health and fitness industry, which was really useful.
You’re also introduced in one of the modules to an expert in the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), which I had been introduced to before, and didn’t resonate with it entirely. But who knows — it could have been working on me subconsciously as I did reach my goal, EFT just wasn’t something I clicked with straight away, but I know lots of people in the USM community did find it really useful. This was such a small element of the course though.
There might be parts of the course you also don’t resonate with — but I encourage you to at least give everything a go and if it’s not for you, you don’t have to continue that specific technique for the remainder of the course. The important thing is that you’re given a toolbox of techniques which you can pick and choose — some which you might continue to use for life, others might not be for you right now.
I’m not sure I have any other criticisms. I mentioned earlier that I’ve done quite a few online courses now ranging from yoga anatomy to lucid dreaming, and USM is certainly at the top in terms of how well it has been thought out and the ongoing support you receive for life. Being able to communicate with the rest of the community helps a lot, especially if you’re feeling a bit alone in what you’re doing.
USM Final thoughts
I want to return back to the start of the USM and share what I learnt, and if you take away anything from this article — whether or not you decide to do the course — please let it be this.
Gratitude and being present in many ways lies at the heart of USM, and this one bit of advice is something I will hold dear for life. It seems obvious but it’s one of the best bits of advice I’ve been given so far.
Have do be vs be do have
In many ways, prior to starting the course, I’d been putting a few things on hold by saying I can finally feel comfortable at home when I’ve moved house or moved into a new area of London etc.
If I would have to say what the most important part of the course is — it would be this first module, because it takes you right back into the present where you can appreciate what you have right now in your life. It creates the momentum for the rest of the course. Please don’t underestimate this one. According to Natalie, having a have do be attitude is the number one reason why many people fail to accomplish their goals.
For example, most people are said to have the have, do, be attitude which comes from a place of lack. At the start of the course, this too includes me. I was feeling bored of where I lived and was only noticing negative things, which is crazy as I live in a part of London where I know a lot of people would love to live.
So, to summarise, the have do be mentality puts your life on hold. It basically says, in order for me to be happy I must have and do certain things first. In contrast, the be do have mentality asks you to be present and feel grateful for where you are right now and operate from here, and as a result you will accomplish what you set out to do.
Within a few days of adopting this mindset, a yoga teacher who I sometimes cover for, messaged me to say that a new yoga studio had opened up near to where I live and I should get in touch with them. The studio turned out to be only a short 10 minute walk away.
Despite living so close, I’d never actually walked that way before and as I did, I felt so stupid for being dismissive of where I live, because the walk there was beautiful, and the studio was really lovely. On my way there, I even found myself thinking, ‘I would love to live in this area of London’. To which I smiled and thought, ‘I finally get it. I already do!’ I’m teaching a class there in a few weeks and am also doing a two day yoga workshop there at the end of July.
It’s a small detail, but I really encourage you to also adopt the be do have mentality — whether you choose to do the course or not — or at least try to. You’ll get so much more out of the course, your life, and more importantly you’ll feel happier about where you are right now. There’s a lot we can miss when we’re so focused on the future.
And on that note, I will leave you with the first quote from the Ultimate Success Masterclass workbook.
Do not let your fire go out… spark by irreplaceable spark… in the hopeless swamps of the approximate, the not quite, the not at all. Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach. Check your road and the nature of your battle. The world you desired can be won. It exists, it is real, it is possible, it is yours. — Ayn Rand
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