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T. Harv Eker’s Spiritual Laws of Money course is designed to help you reach all your financial goals whilst staying kind, loving, and living a beautifully rich and abundant life in all areas.
I finished T. Harv Eker’s Spiritual Laws of Money Course just over a month ago and after looking at my finances, I realised that in October I earnt more in a month than I had ever earned in my life. Now we’re at the end of November, I exceeded that and last week, I made more money in a day than I ever thought previously was possible in just one day. In one of my jobs in my early twenties it would have taken me a whole month to make as much money as I did in that day last week in passive income.
I’m self employed so the amount of money I make fluctuates, but I felt that it was important to highlight this, especially as I wasn’t expecting to get results so soon. Harv continuously mentions that it can take several years or longer to really grow your money, and I agree that I’ve just begun, but I have also noticed some instant results which is encouraging, as I’m about to have a baby.
Spiritual Laws of Money in a nutshell
I’ve written a lot here, but feel free to scroll to the parts that are most relevant to you. This course is essentially everything you need to know and do in order to create financial freedom and abundance in your life, whether you’re currently broke and need a way out, you want to take your business to the next level, or you just want to be able to live the fullest life possible and always have enough money to do everything you’ve always wanted to do.
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Why I did this course and my relationship with money
I’d like to backtrack a bit though and talk about my very first experiences of this course and my reasons for doing it.
Over the last decade or so, I’ve been on quite a journey with money. I remember my first Saturday job at 16 where I was paid £4.22 per hour. I remember all the jobs I had after this and how many long years it took in traditional employment to slowly increase my salary. And I also remember at some point after University, actually holding the belief that money was somehow awful and materialistic. I’ve come a long way when it comes to my attitude towards money.
Several years ago when I started to make the transition from being employed to self employed doing what I love (teaching yoga, blogging and running an Etsy shop), one of my goals was simply to make as much money as I did in a full time job. With the help of previous courses, books and support from those around me, I did manage to exceed this goal in a relatively short space of time.
However, I feel I owe it to myself and those around me to aim much higher, which is where Harv’s course came in. I wanted to fully understand the psychology of money, learn how to grow wealth ethically, and discover how I could use money to be of greater service to others.
There are a few drivers at play here. When I jumped headfirst into being my own boss there was a lot I hadn’t taken into consideration.
Although, I’m earning more money annually now working for myself, I’m not supported by an employer so don’t receive things like maternity leave, sick pay, pension etc. In the UK, I also have to pay more when it comes to tax and national insurance. This is why having a passive income and being financially free is so important to me. It’s not the money itself, but the freedom and opportunities that come about as a result of it.
First impressions of Spiritual Laws of Money
Whenever I start something new, I like to think that I have no preconceptions or expectations, but clearly I do, because starting this surprised me. I was listening to the first video for module one and found Harv’s voice to be really hard hitting. Perhaps I was expecting someone really softly spoken because the course has the word ‘spiritual’ in the title, but Harv’s tone is not like this at all. He’s extremely passionate and he means business!
I’m not sure what it was that I initially felt but I have a feeling others might respond in this way too. There was just something in his voice that ironically put me in the driving seat and said — you can’t just do this passively, you have to participate and take action, otherwise you’re wasting your time. He really spoke to me in a way that said you can do this, but you have to get involved — you can’t just sit, listen and do nothing.
After module one, I didn’t actually do the homework that was asked of us. I’m not sure why, but I did everything that was asked after that. It’s very difficult not to. He was actually testing everyone — the homework was so simple, just repeating a very short mantra for a few seconds a day. The point was that if you can’t commit to taking a few seconds out of your day to work on your financial situation, how are you ever going to make any significant changes?
The truth is that I needed Harv to deliver the course in this way for it to properly get through to me. I have my workbooks and the notes for each module and absolutely love Harv’s philosophy and outlook on life. He’s principled, extremely knowledgeable about meditation, and is a multi multi millionaire through businesses he’s built up from scratch himself. I have a lot of respect for him.
About T. Harv Eker
I’m going to teach you exactly how you can be a kind, loving, peaceful, balanced and spiritual person… AND get really, really rich. T. Harv Eker
Harv Eker who created the Spiritual Laws of Money course is a meditator, multi millionaire, and author of the No. 1 New York Times bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. He’s created multiple successful businesses over the years, and now dedicates his life to to helping people create financial freedom. He’s been featured in Forbes, Men’s Health, the New York Times, CNN, USA Today (to name just a few media outlets), and from my perspective, is an absolute master in combining spirituality and incredibly sound financial advice. I wish I’d learnt Harv’s teachings at school.
Breakdown of the course
Spiritual Laws of Money consists of eight modules, which you do weekly, but you might take a little longer like me if you want to allow yourself some more time to thoroughly absorb the teachings. You can also repeat the course as many times as you need to. There’s no time limit.
Week 1 — Money & Spirituality
If you’re a meditator, you’ll probably have heard a lot of people say that money and spirituality don’t go together. In module one, this myth is thoroughly examined. You’ll also have the chance to look closely at your existing beliefs about money and identify what it is that you’d really love to do as a result of being financially free and reaching all of your monetary goals.
One of my favourite teachings of week one was that the secret to combining money and spirituality is doing work that lights you up — work that you absolutely love doing, and helping people along the way, which will make you instantly feel great about making the money you deserve.
Week 2 — Money, Self Worth & Deservedness
This potentially is one of the most important modules of the course for anyone who is currently frustrated about money or has tried so many different ways of making more money but nothing seems to be working. You’ll learn why some people are more wealthy than others, but you’ll also begin to believe that being rich doing what you love is your birthright.
Week two is about being excited about the whole journey, learning how to trust that you too can fulfil your financial goals, and realising that you one hundred percent deserve to be rich, and happy in life. There is nothing unspiritual about this.
Week 3 — Money, Balance & Enjoying the Journey
One of the key phrases I remember from week three is this: “How you do anything is how you do everything”. For me, this quote holds so much power and truth.
This week is all about learning to love where you’re at right now, rather than waiting to check off the next milestone or goal, however cliched that might sound. Contrary to popular belief, becoming financially free is not about cramming in all the hours so you get no sleep — it’s about working hard and smart, but most importantly loving the process.
Week 4 — Money & Money Management
This is a pretty practical, but incredibly useful week where you will learn three key skills that you can implement right away: how to earn more money, keep more money, and grow more money.
This is also the week where you will learn Harv’s money jar system for managing your finances — something I’ve found so useful, I’m sharing the exercise in this post further on. This week shows you that saving and managing your money is far from being boring, and anyone can start right now no matter how much you’re currently earning.
Week 5 — Money, Purpose & Passion
When you enjoy something, you are in heart. Joy is a clue from the heart that you’re doing the right thing, and the heart is connected to spirit. — T. Harv Eker (Week 5)
Harv opened week five by saying that this topic changed his life. This is where you will learn how to discover your true purpose or calling so you can combine it with passion and create wealth. This in many ways is one of the most transformational weeks because once you’ve figured out your true purpose, you can start to get into the flow mindset. Above all, this week will give you confidence that you will discover what you have to offer and you will absolutely be able to create wealth from this.
Week 6 — Money Mind & Fear
Discover what’s holding you back in this week, so you can fully unlock your potential and earn what you deserve.
This week in many ways is about unlocking your limiting beliefs — which could well have become so ingrained in you over the years that you now see them as truths, such as I’m too old, I don’t have the right skill set, or I would need loads of money to start my business. This week is essentially designed to rewrite your limiting beliefs so you can become more abundant and prosperous.
Week 7 — Money & Relationships
I remember thinking initially that it was strange to have a whole module dedicated to money and relationships. However, apparently, according to Harv, the number one cause of problems in relationships is money.
This week, therefore, will help you to improve your relationships, and untangle any differences or problems that come about from money differences. This is all about making sure what you’re doing fits in perfectly with those your lifestyle and those you love, so everyone benefits.
Week 8 — Money, Income & Freedom
Learn in week eight how to create a passive income — which means generating money while you sleep.
I currently have a passive income, but as a result so far of doing this course, I’ve seen a significant increase in my passive income and know that within a few years I will have exceeded my goals, and have all the confidence that you will too.
Do I have any constructive criticism?
This course has already given me so much so for me, I don’t have anything negative to say — only gratitude. Some of the recordings were quite long, but I really made sure I was absorbing everything.
However, with this in mind, although this course is for everyone and regardless of whether you’re employed or self employed, I did get the impression that if you’re someone who wants to create millions, the focus is on being self employed otherwise it might be harder to do this through traditional employment as Harv talks a lot about creating a system that essentially replaces you, so you’re not having to physically be present when you make money.
I thought about how scared I was in those first few months when I made the commitment to be my own boss. I had no idea if I was capable and had no idea how low my confidence was because I couldn’t see past earning as much as I did in my previous job, let alone focusing on accumulating huge amounts of wealth. This at the time would have seemed incredibly idealistic even for me.
I know many people find the transition from being employed to self employment tough. There are exercises to help with this but if you’re sensitive already, as I am, doing this course straight after quitting your job, for example to start your own business, might feel quite intimidating. Part of this is down to the fact that Harv means business — he’s not wishy washy or softly spoken.
His approach was exactly what I needed at this time in my life, but it could intimidate anyone who has just taken a sudden leap into self employment and is feeling a little exposed and fragile. However, if you’re in employemnt and need some direction and a bit of a push to do what you love and earn all the money you deserve, Harv’s approach could be exactly what you’ve been looking for.
Harv Eker’s Money Jar Approach

Image Source: T. Harv Eker’s blog
As well as writing about my own experiences of this course, I wanted to also share one of the many exercises from Spiritual Laws of Money that I hope you’ll find useful too in your life if you choose to try it out. I’ve only been using the money jar approach to my finances for a few months, but it’s made such a huge difference.
I’ve been given advice in the past to save 10% of my income, open an investment account, and also the advice to never see money as an obstacle to the things I’d like to buy, do or see. This is all good advice, but Harv takes it a few steps further.
I know at first this might not seem like the most exciting exercise, so try not to see it as additional admin. This for me completely changed everything. Although, I’ve been putting away at least 10% of my income for quite a while now, and I’ve opened up a UK investment account with Fidelity, but that’s as far as I got.
Breaking your finances up into money jars helps you to see exactly where all your money is going, and how much you have to spend in each area. This is important because I hear so many people (including myself back in my early twenties) say they have don’t have enough money to put any aside. Harv gave one example on the course of a girl who started the money jar exercise with just a dollar and is now a millionaire.
Here’s the breakdown
On the first of each month, I now divide my finances up in the following way.
- 1st Jar: Financial Freedom Account – 10% of your income
The purpose of this jar is to be financially free. You can invest this money, but you can’t spend it — only the profits you make from it later in life.
- 2nd Jar: Long Term Saving for Spending – 10% of your income
Use this account to save up for something big that takes a while to save up for such as a house, university education etc.
- 3rd Jar: Education – 10% of your income
This jar doesn’t mean your traditional schooling — this is your continued education outside of mainstream education and could include books, seminars, or online courses such as this one.
- 4th Jar: Necessities – 55% of your income
Everything that makes up your day to day living comes out of this jar such as rent, mortgage payments, bills etc. If you live in a particularly expensive city such as this one, you may need to adjust the percentage on this one.
- 5th Jar: Play – 10% of your income
The only job of your play account is to blow it on things you love and enjoy your money.
- 6th Jar: Give – 5% of your income
Money from this jar goes towards a charity or any cause you believe in. Since implementing the money jar system, I now give to Parkinson’s UK, as my Grandma had this.
I also found a YouTube video describing the money jar system too.
I know at first, you might think, what a hassle doing this, once you get into the habit and organise your money in this way, you’ll notice a real difference, and you won’t feel guilty for splashing out because you already have the money, for example in your play account.
Final thoughts on the Spiritual Laws of Money course
I really needed this course, and for me it came exactly at the right time as I’m due to have my first baby next month, and will need to continue to increase what I earn in order to stay living in London whilst supporting a child.
Harv mentions that becoming financially free will take a few years, but I was determined to learn everything he had to teach. Although, I haven’t yet reached my more ambitious financial goals… yet, I’ve had some pretty incredible instant results after doing this course, and am currently making more in passive income to help support me through maternity than I would have been given by the government in employment.
Previously, although my attitude towards money and abundance has changed so much for the better over the last few years, this course made me see that I was aiming too low, and as soon as I made this mental shift, I noticed a huge shift in what I started to make financially. My goal several years ago was to be able to make as much as I did in a full time job doing the things I love — teaching yoga, blogging and running an Etsy shop. My goal now is to do what I love, make a six figure income and provide as much value to as many people as possible whilst staying true to my heart.
And on that note, I’m going to leave you with another one of Harv’s quotes
You can — and should! — use your kindness, your generosity, your spirituality and your desire for balance in your life in your favor… to create any level of financial success that you want. T. Harv Eker
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