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I am extremely excited to first share with you a free Paul Mckenna online masterclass and my thoughts on Paul Mckenna’s latest Mindvalley Course Total Self Confidence.
For over ten years now I have done Paul Mckenna’s free hypnosis recordings on Youtube. In my opinion Mckenna is the master at taking you into a deep meditative trance. Last year I did Mckenna’s Everyday Bliss Quest, and more recently I finished Total Self Confidence. However, I’m still listening to the hypnosis recordings daily before I go to bed.
This has made an absolutely huge difference (and I’m technically a sleep deprived Mum of a toddler and two month old baby), but I’ve actually been waking up with energy and excited to start the day. If you’re new to Paul Mckenna I highly encourage you to check out some of his free hypnosis sessions either on Youtube or by trying the free masterclass below
What’s at the heart of Total Self Confidence by Paul Mckenna?
This programme combines the following three areas to give you a completely transformational experience:
- Clinical Hypnosis
Through powerful and deep hypnosis techniques, Mckenna takes you straight to the control centre of your brain where you access your subconscious mind. Here you’ll be able to switch off the things that have been impacting on your confidence and self belief.
- Psychosensory Therapy
This is a deep form of therapy that helps to stimulate all of your senses including your eye movements and touch. Psychosensory therapy helps you to rid yourself of negative emotional patterns and memories that might be having a detrimental effect on your wellbeing.
- Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
Here you will learn how to amplify the parts of yourself that are working well for you, and deactivate the areas that don’t serve you. Mckenna’s NLP techniques in Total Self Confidence are designed to give a powerful and permanent confidence boost.
More about Paul Mckenna’s Ultimate Confidence Quest
About Paul Mckenna
Paul Mckenna, PhD is a world renowned hypnotherapist and behavioural scientist who has sold over 10 million copies of his books which have been translated into over 30 languages. He is famous for igniting permanent change for the better in people’s lives and has worked with many high profile celebrities from David Bowie to Ellen DeGeneres. He currently also holds the title of being the UK’s most successful fiction writer.
You can try Paul Mckenna’s free Mindvalley Masterclass below
FREE Paul Mcknenna Masterclass Hypnosis session: How To Master Your Emotions, Live In Bliss & Be Free From Stress & Anxiety
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