London rooftops (with a bit of Photoshopping) from my first time visiting the beautiful We Work co working spaces near London Bridge.
Please note: I was kindly given this course for free in return for writing about my experiences.
Initial thoughts
I had just a few days left of 15 Minute Manifestation when I got invited to do a talk at We Work on manifesting work that you love doing. It was kind of strange because I’d turned up to attend a talk based on a book I love called the Four Hour Work Week after a yoga client who never cancels made a cancellation.
However, I’d misread the dates and the talk I was supposed to go to wasn’t for another few weeks. So, I ended up going to another talk instead on the Law of Attraction, manifesting and NLP. I got chatting to the speaker and was then invited to come and co-host the next event. I’m now going to be doing another talk next week.
Who knows whether this was completely random or not — there’s no way of truly knowing but it was a lovely synchronicity, especially as some of the components that make up 15 minute manifestation are the law of attraction, manifesting and NLP — the exact subjects of the talk!
I’m no stranger to online courses in the area of self improvement and personal development, and was kindly given this course for free in return for writing about my experiences. I knew the course involved three audios — one for each week, totalling 21 days, and also an ebook. It looked pretty straightforward, and the tracks were just 15 minutes each, plus a bonus track to help you sleep — so there was a about an hour’s worth of audio in total. My plan was to listen to the tracks before bed.
I like to think I’m objective, non judgemental, and that I approach new things with no expectations. However, when I received 15 Minute Minute Manifestation, I thought I’d just play some of the tracks, clearly expecting to hear perhaps some music and spoken words.
I kept scrolling along expecting to hear a voice at some point, but there was just sound — beautiful sounds with each track being quite different — but nevertheless, I was a bit confused. I thought I would be hearing someone’s voice.
This is an element of the programme I do think should be made clear at the start just to avoid any disappointment, especially as many people might be expecting to hear someone’s voice. This is important because the actual audio tracks were really pleasant to listen to, once I’d let go of what I expected to be listening to.
What do you get on the course?
There are six main components to 15 minute manifestation which are as follows. The whole course lasts 21 days, and will take — hence the name — 15 minutes of your time a day.
1. Jumpstart Guide
Before you start 15 Minute Manifestation, you’re advised to start here which is a 12 page guide giving you a bit more information about this programme. In the guide it is emphasised that the two most important components are ‘having a strong belief in the program’ and ‘having a strong belief in yourself’.
You’re given short explanations in this guide on what each audio is for. However, I did feel I needed to know more — but that’s just me — so I also had to email the support team with some additional questions which you can read further on in this article.
2. Week one — Your Natural State audio
This audio according to the jumpstart guide is designed to open your mind up to your natural state of abundance, dissolve limiting beliefs and stories, and also reset your brain to the condition it was in when you were born — ‘’rich with endless possibility…not scarcity”.
3. Week two — Your New Story audio
This track is designed to clear all the negative circumstances that might have taken up your attention so they can get replaced with what you really want.
4. Week three — Moving Towards Abundance audio
Leading on from the first two weeks, this last audio according to the guide is designed to focus your attention on telling your new story of abundance and prosperity.
5. Bonus Track: Deep Sleep Now
This is an additional track to help you fall asleep faster. However, I actually found track one to be the most useful for me in helping me fall asleep peacefully, but this is probably differs from person to person.
6. Additional Bonus: Manifestation Wizardry Book
If you’re already familiar with the Law of Attraction and Manifesting, you will probably be familiar with a lot of the points made in this book, but it’s useful as a refresher, and is designed to be read before you start the course.
My thoughts on the 15 Minute Manifestation audios
Once I’d got over the fact that there was no speaking, I absolutely loved listening to all the tracks, but my favourite was the first one. I actually appreciate that there were no words, as track one in particular was like receiving a massage for my head each night.
I made the choice to listen to all three tracks week by week in bed before going to sleep. Because I’m pregnant right now and I’m lying on my side, I therefore had to listen to the tracks through speakers rather than headphones which isn’t ideal.
My decision to listen to these tracks at night was purely out of choice. Track one in particular is so soothing, it actually helped me to sleep. For me personally, I didn’t want to listen to it in the middle of the day, and there were no instructions that recommended one time of day over another.
Because I found the three audios themselves so soothing, I didn’t actually use the bonus track to help me sleep very often but after the 21 days was up, I did carry on playing all four tracks together until I fell asleep.
How to use this course
You have six components that make up the course and 21 days to complete it — but of course, you’ve got the audios for life so you can repeat it as many times as you like. In many ways there was not much to do other than listen to the tracks for 15 minutes each day.
With the main element being to trust the process, I did exactly this and just allowed myself to listen. However, I did wonder if I should be doing more to get the most out of this course. I also had some unanswered questions which the 15 minute support team were kind enough to answer. I’ve included some of these answers below if you’re interested, but I’d like to write a bit more about actually putting the course into practice first.
Over the last decade I’ve read a lot on the Law of Attraction and even the name of my blog Thought Brick (which was a term my grandparents used to use) is about creating your future reality with the thoughts and emotions you’re having today.
Over the years, I’ve written out descriptive stories, lists, made videos and mindmaps etc and I’m pleased to say that I love doing this work, and really believe that when you’re clear and you have belief, a lot of it does manifest. However, and this is a big ‘however’ — what if you’re not clear? What if you don’t really know what you want? This has been a big problem of mine over the years, especially when it came to anything career related.
I’m familiar with my vision which I have written in the form of a story. However, what if you start this course and have no idea what you want? This is an area that isn’t covered. It’s a hazy area because maybe you will start to get more clarity when you start the audios which will help to give you space in a similar way to meditation, which for me has been one of the most useful things in helping me to figure out where I want to head, along with gratitude.
When I did get in touch with the support team, one of the questions I asked was whether you visualised alongside the audio tracks.
Here was the response
“Yes. We usually encourage users of the program to do some meditation and visualization while listening to the audio. You need to find out what you are hoping to achieve and it would help if you can be specific about it.
For maximum effectiveness, clear all your worries and negative thoughts, feel the rhythm and relax to nature sounds. You may visualize positive affirmations and things that you want to create for yourself. Do remember that your feelings are the strongest form of vibration. Feel good and imagine the life you would want to have.”
Although I visualise (and love to daydream regularly), I actually found it difficult to visualise to the audio tracks. They took me to more of a meditative state of no thought which I loved, but this is just my experience. When I visualise to music, the music tends to be of a completely different nature — a lot more energising as opposed to relaxing.
With this in mind, I think it needs to be made explicitly clear how to use the audio tracks. Do you listen passively, visualise or do both? Does it matter?
Additional information and questions answered from the Support team
Because I knew I would be writing about this course, I wanted to know as much as possible, and did feel I needed to get in touch to find out more. This was the first course where I wasn’t able to find out additional information about the author and creator. I guess it’s not necessary, but I was going to be investing 21 days of my time and energy into this so I was curious to know who Eddie was. A Google search didn’t reveal much more than I already knew, so I turned to the 15 Minute Manifestation Support team.
Here was the response
Eddie’s purpose for creating 15 Minute Manifestation is solely to reach out to people who are looking to improve or change their lives; just like how Eddie did since he was 9 years old and given what he had gone through in his life, he had deliberately chosen to maintain his privacy. Hence we are unable to provide you with more information about the author. Thank you for understanding.
In addition to knowing more about the course creator I also had a few more questions which I’ll share below along with answers from the 15 Minute Manifestation Support team, who have kindly allowed me to include their answers in my write up.
1.Who made the music and what is the intention for how it works — e.g how specifically is it helping with brain plasticity?
The program is targeted mainly at dissolving limiting beliefs that your Editor (aka subconscious mind) may have, and then to encourage the Editor to open itself up to a mindset of limitless abundance.
These are not just ordinary tapes. Eddie and his partners (who are experts in NLP, hypnosis, and brainwave entrainment) have specially blended subliminal messages in the nature soundtrack that is designed to speak directly to your Editor (your subconscious mind).
By constantly listening to the program the subconscious mind receives information for which we are not aware of and stores them. If we receive information in an appropriate manner and at a high volume and frequency, then the information dwells in the mind and becomes an important part of who we are.
2. Is it important to read the ebook first before listening to the recordings or during the recordings?
Yes. We do recommend to read the ebook first for you to understand the program before using it.
Final thoughts
In many ways, this has been one of the most mysterious courses I’ve done. The synchronicity I talked about at the beginning was interesting, especially as it happened just short of the 21 days. However, who knows whether the audios had anything to do with this or not. It could have been a complete coincidence. Then again, maybe it wasn’t.
I respect the desire for the creators of this course to remain anonymous, which I feel is totally fair. However, for me when I do take a course or read a book, I often like to hear a personal story because it helps to connect me to the author, see where they’re coming from and most importantly, why they’re so passionate about this subject, but that’s just a personal preference.
Overall, I enjoyed the simplicity of this course and I feel the audios could easily set you up to having a regular meditation practice if you don’t have one already, which is something I strongly believe everyone could benefit from.
The course relies a lot on you trusting the process. However, I do think in order to do this, as the support team highlighted, it would help to know what you’d like to manifest first rather than expecting this course to be some sort of magic pill that miraculously makes your life perfect — then again, maybe you will get more clarity along the way.
I loved the audio tracks, which were all quite different from one another. I was able to let go and just relax to them. However, as an addition it would have been nice to know a bit more about who created them and their personal stories, how subliminal messages work, and what binaural beats actually are.
Understandably though, one of the USP’s of this course is it’s simplicity. Many people don’t want pages of theory to go with it. However, it’s good to know that if you do want additional information, you can easily get in touch and someone will respond pretty quickly.
I hope this has given you a bit more information on what you might expect so you can decide whether this programme is something for you or not. Please feel free to ask me any further questions, and if you have experience with this course, I’m sure others considering 15 Minute Manifestation would be interested to know how you got on.
Thanks for reading and thank you once again to the 15 Minute Manifestation team for kindly giving me the courses and answering my questions. Very much appreciated.
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