I don’t usually write about courses the moment I’ve finished the first day or module, but this time, I have to write! And I just finished day one several minutes ago.
Before I delve any deeper and excitedly ramble on about how great day one has been, I want to tell you a bit more about who Jim Kwik is and what his course is all about in case you’re completely new to this. If you’re not, absolutely, by all means, you’re free to skip this section.
You can now read my full Superbrain course review here
Who is Jim Kwik and what is his new course Superbrain all about?
Jim Kwik is “the man who teaches Hollywood stars how to activate their super brains” and is one of the foremost experts in accelerated learning and mental performance.
Jim Kwik shows you the best ways to learn so you can use your brain to reach your full potential in life. His mission? To create a smarter and more caring world by giving you back your power.
I was really touched and so inspired hearing Jim’s story. As a child he suffered a head injury at only five years old which meant school became a real struggle for him.
I loved superheroes as a kid – and the comic books saved me when conventional education couldn’t. Comic books taught me how to read…and they also kept my dreams alive that one day I, too, would find my inner superpower. — Jim Kwik
Despite years of continuous struggling at school and finding conventional education a battle, he eventually learnt to amazingly rebuild his brain, and become an expert in the field of learning — working with high profile people globally, as well as being the CEO of Kwik Learning, Founder of SuperheroYou, social entrepreneur and international speaker.
More recently he teamed with Mindvalley to create his 30 day Superbrain Quest (affiliate link) which is what I just started today.
Day one of Superbrain
I want to share with you what I’m currently learning and also give you free access to register today for one of Jim’s online masterclasses (affiliate link).
One of the first things I learnt in the introductory section which I’ll share with you here is “10 morning habits geniuses use to help jump start the brain”.
1.Remember your dreams — I need to get back into doing this one. Just keep a notebook or dream journal by your bead and write each morning.
2. Make your bed — My Grandma also used to say “Tidy bed. Tidy room,” Very true!
3. Drink lots of water — Yes to a pint of hot water and lemon every morning
4. Brush your teeth with the opposite hand — Up until this one, I’d been feeling pleased that I already did points one to three. So, this evening I’ll be brushing my teeth with my left hand.
5. Deep breathing — Jim hasn’t yet elaborated but for the last three years I’ve been practising the Wim Hof Power breath which is one of the best things I can do for instantly waking myself up.
6. Brain tea — Excited to find out what this actually is.
7. Journaling with an emphasis on gratitude — Today I’m grateful to be doing this course.
8. High intensity exercise — I better start speeding up my yoga.
9. Brain power smoothie — The exact ingredients for super foods come later in the course.
10. Read — Apparently, the average CEO will read a book a week, but the average person only goes through a few a year! I’ll definitely be making use of my Audible subscription.
This is just day one. For the next 30 days, I’ll be immersing myself fully in Jim Kwik’s course to help me use my brain to its full capacity, accelerate my learning and reach peak mental performance in everything I do.
If you could pick just was 1 skill to learn that would have the greatest impact in your life… Which skill would you choose?
I’ve previously done a lot of work to enhance all sorts of skills in my life… greater abundance, meditation techniques…etc. But the one thing I haven’t put much focus into is the skill of learning itself. Jim makes the point that “While there are many skills that can have a profound impact on your life…there is one skill, when mastered, that will literally affect every other skill you choose to learn in the future — it’s the skill of learning itself.” In this context, it’s called meta-learning.
If you’re interested, I highly recommend this free 2018 Jim Kwik masterclass where you can register today and discover: How To Be A Super Learner (affiliate link)
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