I have been a huge fan of personality tests for a long time — so much so that I’m surprised this is my first article on them. Out of all the tests I’ve done over the years, here are my favourite top three in no particular order. There are two free options (The Enneagram Test and the Myers Briggs Test) that will give you your results instantly and one that you pay for (Gallup Strengths Finder Test).
Affiliate disclaimer
The links on this page for the Enneagram and Myers Briggs personality tests are affiliate links with This means that, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you decide to buy something on their website, which will come at no cost to you. I have no affiliate or other relationship with the Gallup Strengths Finder Test other than being a consumer of the test myself.
1. The Enneagram Personality Test
Length of time: approximately 10 minutes
Cost: Free
Take the Enneagram test here (affiliate link)
The enneagram test will show you which of the nine personality types you fit into, with an emphasis on emotions. According to Truity “Each of the nine personality types has its own driving force, which is centered around a particular emotion.”
I’ll share with you a summary for each of the nine types in a moment, but what I like about this test is that you’re given a percentage for each one, so you can see instantly where your strongest and weakest areas are.
Here are the nine Enneagrams
- The Perfectionist
- The Giver
- The Achiever
- The Individualist
- The Investigator
- The Skeptic
- The Enthusiast
- The Challenger
- The Peacemaker
2. Gallup Strengths Finder Test
Length of time: approximately 25-45 minutes
Cost: £50 for the full report or £20 for your top 5 strengths
Take the Gallup Strengths Finder Test here
I bought this test for myself the other week after my brother recommended it. I actually own the Strengths Finder book, which lists all 34 of the strengths identified in the test — only I never actually knew what mine were, until the other weekend.
I was really impressed with the results and thought it was worth the money. The strengths listed are all centered around natural strengths that you might easily overlook or find difficult to make sense of. This is an incredibly detailed report that lets you know where you rank for each of the 34 strengths. I’m not going to list all 34, but I’ll share my top five with you to give you an idea.
My top five strengths according to the Gallup Strengths Finder test
- Connectedness
- Positivity
- Learner
- Futuristic
- Includer
3. Myers Briggs Personality Test
Length of time: Approximately 15 to 30 minutes
Cost: Free
Take the Myers Briggs Personality Test here (Affiliate link)
Finally, this leads me to the Myers Briggs personality test which might be the most well known or popular of them all.
The Myers Briggs test is broken up into 16 personality types which takes a slightly different approach to the other two. This test focuses on four core personality functions to see where exactly you fit on the scale for each one. These four functions are as follows
Personality functions that are measured in the Myers Briggs Test
- Extraversion vs Introversion
- Sensing vs Intuition
- Thinking vs Feeling
- Judging vs Perceiving
Based on where you are on the sliding scale for each of these functions, you will be then given your top personality types. You can then read an overview of your top personality types plus discover your strengths, possible career options, plus how you approach relationships.
Final thoughts
So, to summarise, the Enneagram is the quickest test to do, but is still worth doing for identifying your core driving force behind what you do. The Gallup test, is worth doing if you need clarity on what your strengths and weaknesses are and how these might apply in your life.
And finally, the Myers Briggs test takes a little longer to do than the Enneagram but, similar to the Gallup tests, will also give you your strengths and weaknesses based on your personality type.
You can access all three tests below
Take the Enneagram Test here for free (Affiliate link)
Take the Gallup Strengths Finder Test here
Take the Myers Briggs Personality Test here for free (Affiliate link)
Enjoy. Let me know how you get on. Which was was your favourite.
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