It only takes 30 days to break bad habits, implement new goals and change your life for the better. Try one of these 30 day challenge ideas and make this your best summer yet!
After all, summer is a time of rebirth, replenishment and new, vital energy — it offers so many unique opportunities to push yourself beyond your comfort zone and do something healthy and positive, as well as being of service to others.
Plus, 30 day challenges can be incorporated into your daily life without much trouble or financial outlay.
1. Go barefoot
Spend at least 20 minutes every day going barefoot, particularly outside in the garden or in the park. Don’t worry about getting your feet dirty or treading on something painful, it’s a great way to feel to feel your connection with the earth and a sense of grounding.
2. Swim every day
If you live near the sea, immerse your whole body in it once a day and go for a little swim – add a moonlit dip in the evening if you’re feeling very brave. If you don’t, get along to your nearest municipal swimming baths and take the plunge. Being in water is very healing and relaxing.
3. Pick up litter in your local area
Devote at least half an hour each day to picking up litter where you live. Not only will you be out in the lovely sunshine, but it is demonstrating an act of love and appreciation for your natural environment. You will be engaging in an act of service to mother earth and your local community.
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4. Do Tai Chi or yoga outside
Challenge your shyness and fear of being thought an exhibitionist, and take advantage of the Summer weather to practice in your garden in the park, or on the beach if you live near the sea.
5. Educate one person a day about chemtrails
The warmer, sunnier weather of Summer brings increased chemtrail activity. Find out about what these are here: What are chemtrails? When you have done some research into it, make one new person a day aware of what you have learned. This could be a friend, work colleague, or even a complete stranger. This is about raising our awareness of what is happening to our environment and the air we are breathing.
6. Gaze at the stars
Take in the clear night sky — Summer brings plenty of these. Look upon the natural jewels shining above you and allow yourself to feel a sense of awe, magic, and wonderment.
7. Learn about solar energy
Spend a few minutes every day researching solar energy and consider how you might be able to incorporate it into your life in the future.
8. Go foraging — it’s so much fun!
Eat or drink something you have foraged from Mother Nature – she offers us a veritable smorgasbord of free edible treasures. This could be in a woodland, forest, a park, or even beach. Take a written guide with you or someone knowledgeable to be sure you are choosing something safe, and have a good root around. Get to know your inner hunter-gatherer!
9. Play!
Get out with your kids everyday and play old-fashioned games together. Try skipping, croquet, den-building, climbing trees, ‘poo’ sticks, kite flying, or anything else that takes your fancy. This will take them away from their computer games and may . strengthen your relationship with them. This is also a way to connect with your inner child.
10. Make a new smoothie
Get yourself a smoothie maker and whiz together a new concoction of fresh berries, yoghurt, vegetables… whatever takes your fancy. Just don’t substitute smoothies for regular meals.
11. Do art outside
Take inspiration from Andy Goldsworthy and create a piece of environmental art over 30 days and photograph the process. Or, if you’re really productive, create a new piece of art every day photographing each piece, so at the end you’re left with a collection of 30 photographs of beautiful environmental art.
12. Love amongst the Lupins
Deepen the intimacy between you and your partner by spending time together in the garden. This could mean something as simple as gazing into his or her eyes, giving a face massage or just talking under the sun. This will help you to tune into and strengthen the heart connection between you and could be a gateway to further spiritual development.
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