1. Is it possible to create artificial life with consciousness?
2. If man imitates nature, which part of nature does the internet imitate?
3. Imagine being at your own funeral. What would you want people to say about you?
4. What have you learned from the mistakes you’ve made in life?
5. What can you do this week to improve your life or fulfil a goal?
6. Is it possible to lie and be silent at the same time?
7. If you could change anything in the world, what would you change?
8. Are you grateful with what you have in life?
9. If you had a time machine which period would you go back to and why?
10. Are you afraid of dying? If so, why and what specifically are you afraid of?
11. How do you show love to the people you care about?
12. Is it possible that we’re living in the matrix?
13. If you had all the money in the world, what kind of lifestyle would you live?
14. What makes you truly happy?
15.Is it really necessary to get rid of the ego?
16. How would you live your life or what would you do differently if no one was judging you?
17. What specifically did Buddha feel when he reached enlightenment?
18. Is consciousness evolving or a fixed state?
19. What was the last thing you did that really made you feel proud?
20. What new thing/s could you try tomorrow/ this week/ this year?
21. What exactly is consciousness?
22. What is the self?
23. What does success mean to you?
24. Would you prefer more time or more money?
25. What is morality?
26. If you could send any message to the world, what would your message be?
27. Do you believe in fate or free will? Why?
28. What exactly is intuition?
29. Do you have a book that changed your life?
27. What makes you really laugh?
28. What is the self?
29. Does consciousness exist outside of our bodies?
30. If you could be anywhere in the World right now, where would you go?
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