This is going to be a really short post and more of a quick reminder to myself that You are enough.
I recently finished listening to the audiobook Chillpreneur (affiliate link) by Denise Duffield, and had this real ah ha moment when she mentioned that her work is all about self acceptance rather than self help.
It sounds basic, but when you’re really into self growth and you love reading personal development books, it can sometimes feel like you’re on some endless quest for unattainable perfection…and that’s just exhausting. And it might accidentally make you into more of a critical person if your standards are so unrealistically high.
I’ve been reading self help, self improvement, and positive thinking books for years, which all involve some element of working on yourself to change something. But there’s always felt like something was missing. It took Marisa Peer’s Uncompromised Life course to teach me what that missing link was ‘I am enough’, and also the Vipassana teachings of equanimity.
As I start to create the contents of an online yoga course, and as a life philosophy in general, I want this message to be at the core of everything I do — I am enough. Right now in this moment, everything is whole and as it should be.
This means it’s OK not to feel happy all of the time. It’s OK to have so called negative emotions. I’m human after all and I’m supposed to feel all of the emotions. The moment I stop judging myself for feeling anything other than blissful ‘dancing around on rainbows’ happiness, I feel happier.
Vipassana is something I’ve written quite a lot about, so I’m not going to go into detail in this post, but spending 10 days in silent meditation was one of the best things I’ve done. One of the core teachings to Vipassaana is equanimity, which involves observing everything as it comes — every tiny ache, pain, annoying argument from the past — with no judgement.
It’s pretty hard, but when I started to do this, you realise that all these things are just surface level forever changing sensations, and the key is not to get too attached. Easier said than done!
When you apply this to everyday life, it means, we can improve ourselves; self growth is good, but it’s important to start from a place of self acceptance. You are enough as you are right now regardless of how many endless things you think need changing.
Finally, you can take part in a free transformational online hypnotherapy session here with Marisa Peer (affiliate link)
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