I am an affiliate for Unlimited Abundance and highly recommend the course, especially if you don’t know what’s holding you back financially, which was the area I chose to focus on.
This article was originally published in May 2016 and has been updated for 2022
Unlimited Abundance holds a mirror up to you and shows you what’s in your way to achieving more abundance in your life, whilst also helping you to connect back to your heart. Expect your buttons to be pushed.
I started Christie Marie Sheldon’s Unlimited Abundance course in February 2016 and finished in April.
Today I booked my flights to India to do another yoga teacher training for three months and after checking my finances I have more money in savings than I’ve ever had in my life.
I’m incredibly grateful for this because 10 months ago, there’s no way this would have been possible as my bank balance had very little in it and I had no savings.
It would be untrue to say Unlimited Abundance is solely responsible for these changes, but it certainly helped and has taught me a lot about creating a permanent abundance mindset.
At the same time of doing Unlimited Abundance I was also drawn to the following books and podcasts which I also found incredibly useful. Similarly, if you do the course, you will also find yourself drawn to similar resources that will help you.
- The Law of success: In 16 lessons by Napoleon Hill (the guy who wrote Think and Grow Rich)
- Any of the Tim Ferriss podcasts
I’ve got a long way to go, but here’s how the course worked for me. I’ve written quite a lot, so feel free to scroll to the parts that are relevant to you. I’ve focused mainly on my personal experiences, so if you’re completely new to the Unlimited Abundance course and know nothing about it, it might be best to read up on the course here.
You can also take part in this free Unlimited Abundance Masterclass here updated for 2022
What is Unlimited Abundance and who is Christie Marie Sheldon?
Unlimited Abundance helps you to remove your blocks to abundance — this could be abundance in love, money or success in any area of your life.
It consists of 24 workbooks and audio sessions (which were originally recorded as live seminars) lasting approximately an hour each, and was designed by intuitive healer and financial expert, Christie Marie Sheldon in conjunction with the company MindValley.
Over the last five years it’s consistently been MindValley’s bestselling course, which is one of the reasons I was drawn to trying it.
After working with over 10,000 private clients prior to creating Unlimited Abundance, Christie identified the 24 biggest abundance blocks common to most people. Each audio session addresses a different blockage.
Example sessions include:
- Clearing the fear of change
- Clearing feeling stuck
- Clearing fear of rejection
- Turning blocks into profits
If you scroll down when you click the following link, you can read about all the 24 abundance blocks in more detail.
I won’t go into a lengthy fact based description of the course here as there’s already plenty written on it. However, you can find out more about Christie and her course here or take part in a free Unlimited Abundance webinar to get a taster of the course.
What I do want to write about in this article, however, are my own experiences of the course. I’ll try to go into as much depth as I can, but feel free to email me at clare@thoughtbrick.com or leave a comment if you have any questions that I haven’t covered.
Why I did the course?
I received this course for free through the company MindValley which I’m incredibly grateful for.
I love trying new courses and doing 30 day challenges and so after asking MindValley what their most popular programme was, this was the course that came up, which I was really pleased about.
Coincidentally, a few days prior to starting, I was about to book a session with an intuitive healer that a friend had been to see to help give me more direction in life, but didn’t after I discovered Christie Marie Sheldon is also an intuitive healer. Synchronicity.
Ultimately though, I did this course, because I wanted to make a living out of the things I love doing.
I understand that money can’t make you happier, but wouldn’t the world be a happier place if everyone was making money by doing what they loved whilst also providing real value to people at the same time?
Making money for the sake of making money has never been a driving force, but making money as a by product of doing things I’d ordinarily do for free, is an incredible feeling.
Unlimited Abundance — initial impressions after I finished the course
If you’ve ever meditated before, you’ll be familiar with the onion analogy to describe what can happen when you meditate consistently.
You start out by seeing the world and yourself in a particular way and as you meditate and go deeper into yourself, you peel back layers that you never knew existed before.
Unlimited Abundance, for me, worked in a similar way. The whole process was pretty intense — probably because I listened to an audio approximately every other day as opposed to once a week.
Ultimately though, I think anyone doing this course will respond differently and get out of it what they need to.
Christie makes it explicitly clear that during the course she’s going to push your buttons. In this respect, although I felt lighter after each session, the course wasn’t easy.
However, if you approach it with an open mind, it will hold up a mirror and show you what you need to focus on, what needs to go, and what steps you need to take in order to achieve more abundance.
For example, on some level I didn’t think I was capable of earning certain amounts of money or working for myself and I had this limiting mindset that you could only make lots of money if you worked exhaustingly hard. And deep down I think I also believed that making money was really hard.
Has the course brought me more abundance?
I started Unlimited Abundance in February 2016 and eight weeks after completing the course I had significantly more money in savings than I’d ever had in my life — without having to cut back on things I enjoyed doing.
I’m also now frequently earning double the amount I did in one day than in a full time job. However, I’ve still got a lot more work to do to make this consistent. I am, however, fully in control of my work schedule and I enjoy the work I do. More importantly, I feel a real sense of freedom that I didn’t feel before, which I’m incredibly grateful about.
How specifically does the course work?
I would say that the course works on your unconscious mind a lot of the time, so you might not consciously be aware of the changes that are taking place at the end of each session. But, I can tell you that this course helped to change and re-programme my whole outlook on money and abundance, as well as reigniting some of my passions. And I know that if you’re open to it, it will do the same for you too, but you have to let go of resistance first (which coincidentally is the first session).
Although I was lucky enough to receive some money out of the blue in unexpected ways, this isn’t what I want to focus on.
Potentially anyone can get money — either through winning it, being given it, finding it… However, unless the right mindset and attitude has been created, the money is unlikely to stay. This has been one of my problems in the past.
I’m, therefore, going to focus on writing about the emotional changes that took place which allowed me to create more financial abundance on a more consistent basis.
Up until a year ago, I was always employed by someone to do 9-5 work, and since making the decision to start working more for myself and turning my interests into my career, I found the shift difficult.
I know everyone’s intentions prior to starting the course will be different, but for me, I wanted to feel confident that I could make a living through multiple sources of income, doing what I enjoy — yoga, art, meditation and working on my blog.
Essentially, I want to feel free and grateful whilst also providing value to other people in the process.
I now make money through a variety of income streams including yoga teaching, life modelling and my blog. I will also continue to make a passive income through my blog while I’m in India which is such a nice feeling.
In addition to bringing you more abundance, Unlimited Abundance might also help to reignite some old passions. For example, I originally did a degree in art, and over the years became uninterested in making any art, and certainly never considered selling any.
However, straight after completing Unlimited Abundance, my Mum and I set up an Etsy shop called Yoga Spirit Art selling yoga art prints designed by both of us. I never expected to sell anything so soon, but we’ve now made 19 sales in just a few months. It’s a wonderful feeling to make money doing what you’d ordinarily do for fun.
Do you have to do the course every day?
To begin with I was really excited and did the course every day, which in my opinion was a bit much. Between sessions, you are also expected to work independently and take action. For example, after the session on clearing your clutter, you wouldn’t just walk away and do nothing. You would ideally feel inspired to take an objective look at your life and systematically start clearing away anything that no longer served you, in order to let new opportunities come in.
Similarly, Christie encourages you throughout the course to ask yourself ‘What would it take…?’ questions, such as ‘What would it take for me to find the love of my life?’ or ‘What would it take for me to earn X amount of money every year?’ I can’t specifically explain how this works, but when you fire questions like this to your brain, you’ll find yourself being drawn to certain people, books, or opportunities that will lead you in the direction you want to head. It’s a powerful exercise that you do throughout the course.
In the original live session, participants went through one session a week. However, as the course progressed, I found doing a session every 2-3 days worked really well, although it was still pretty intense.
Everyone’s different though, so find what works for you.
It’s also worth mentioning that once you have the course, you’ve got it for life, so you can always go back to it or repeat certain audio sessions multiple times. You might focus on abundance in love the first time and then financial or career abundance the second or third times.
Or, there’s no reason why you couldn’t focus on greater abundance in all areas of your life. If you’re covering a lot of different areas though, you might find it easier to give yourself more time between sessions, so you can digest everything properly.
How difficult is it to put into practise what you’re taught?
This isn’t a course that throws information at you lecture style, which I’m pleased about because this isn’t how I learn best. The course mixes meditation, energy clearing exercises, practical financial exercises, intuition enhancing exercises, affirmations and goal setting.
Although you’re encouraged to take notes throughout the course, I found that I retained a lot of the information without referring to my notes, which was a bonus.
The following things might sound simple, but some of the most effective practical exercises I did during the course included clearing out loads and loads of clothes I never wore, saving 10% of my income, and involving my heart as well as my head in decision making.
This then provided space for new things to come in. For example, several days after clearing out my wardrobe after listening to Audio 17 on clearing clutter, my friend Lily who didn’t realise I’d just cleared out loads of my clothes, surprised me by buying me a really beautiful Monsoon dress (the one I’m wearing in the pictures).
Throughout the course you have to be proactive and apply what you’re being taught. Again, the changes that take place and the actions you need to make will be specific to you, but they will certainly be clear after each audio session. If they’re not, you can always repeat the session for clarification.
Ultimately, though, this is a deep course that will work on re-programming beliefs that no longer serve you, and it will help to provide a path for you to move forwards. You just have to trust the process. You might also find, like me, that as you do the course, you’ll start to experience more and more synchronicities in your life, which can be a sign that you’re on the right track.
How soon did you start seeing results?
I found £15 on the floor just as I was about to start the course, so you could say that I started to receive money straight away. But in terms of real results, I felt an emotional shift after just a few sessions which inspired me to start making positive changes after the first few days.
Essentially though, this course brought me back to making authentic decisions and has instilled a saving mindset in me without actually making me want to cut out the things I enjoy doing.
Throughout the course I gradually saved more and more money with complete ease — something I’ve never been able to do before. For the first time in my life it was pleasant and exciting to be saving. I’d like to think that if I wanted to do a master’s degree one day in the near future I’d have more than enough money to pay for it up front.
I was also encouraged to feel gratitude for everything I currently have. It can be so easy sometimes to take things for granted. This in a way is the first key to unlocking your abundance in any area of your life. If you can’t be grateful for what you have, how can you expect anything new and better to come in?
Did I dislike any parts of the course?
Prior to starting the course I was a bit skeptical. I’d never heard of Christie Marie Sheldon but I was curious to try it because it’s MindValley’s bestselling course.
The course is actually much deeper than it initially appears, so those of you looking for a light and fluffy quick fix approach to abundance where you don’t have to do anything, this isn’t for you. If, however, you’re open and you genuinely want to make changes and manifest your desired life, then this course will help to show you the way.
If I’m going to be specific about the content of the course, I would say that listening to the first audio session on clearing resistance left me feeling quite vulnerable. However, on reflection, I figured that this was just part of the course, and feeling vulnerable isn’t actually a bad thing — it just feels uncomfortable at the time.
What specifically made me feel vulnerable, was the realisation that I was going to have to make concrete changes to my attitude towards money and life in general. The course held my weaknesses up in front of me which although was beneficial to me moving forwards, it was an unsettling feeling.
For example, in session five: clearing your fear of growth, you’re introduced to a powerful visual meditation exercise called the wealth garden. After I did this for the first time, it made my cry, because it showed me so clearly what I’d been doing wrong and what I needed to focus on. Some of my insecurities that came up, for example, were about shyness and caring too much what people think.
On a surface level, you might think, what do those qualities have to do with being more abundant, but with time you’ll see how everything is linked. You’re also bound to get unexpected things come up, but you’ll be so grateful and happy you worked through them. And you’ll feel so much lighter afterwards. I didn’t realise how much unnecessary baggage I was carrying but I suppose most of us don’t.
What made me complete Unlimited Abundance to the end?
I was continuously seeing results. This course showed me a mirror where I got to see all the things holding me back from being more abundant, and I didn’t want to stop.
Each session chipped away at the things that had been holding me back, and in the space between sessions there were powerful exercises to do in your own time if you wanted to go deeper into the whole process. The meditation exercises in each session were also incredibly relaxing. In such a short space of time, I was taken into an incredibly deep state — similar to guided Yoga Nidra sessions.
I also started a new course after Unlimited Abundance which was supposed to last for about three months. I lasted a week because it felt like a chore, which was a sign it wasn’t right — at least for me anyway. I always felt excited to do the next session with Unlimited Abundance though because each session brought something new.
October 2022 Update – My thoughts on the course six years on

With my baby daughter
As I write this, I can’t believe it’s been six years since I completed Unlimited Abundance. But I wanted to share with you what happened after I booked my flights to India. I spent three magical months in Rishikesh and got my 500 hour yoga teacher qualification.
When I returned back to London, I then built a full time private yoga teaching business where I taught yoga one-to-one and in small groups. My blog also started to make more money and for the first time in my life I was actually making a living from two of my passions — yoga and writing. I’m also pleased to say that my savings continue to increase and in the spring, I’m considering training as a yoga therapist.
The most abundant and magical part though was when I became a Mum a few years ago to my son, and then again a few months ago after giving birth to my daughter.
Final thoughts
I feel that being authentic and connected to the heart should come naturally to all of us, but I’ll admit that I’ve made a lot of decisions in the past that haven’t been truly heart based.
School, for one, in some ways encourages you to tick boxes and praises you with good results when you do what is set out in the curriculum. It never asks you to question whether you’re writing what you’re writing or creating art because it’s what your heart feels is right.
I see now that you can never be truly happy or satisfied long term with what you do if your heart’s not fully involved.
There’s one really significant part of the course where you’re asked to say out loud to yourself a series of true and false statements and then observe where you feel the answer in your body. You could try it now and see if you feel anything.
All the false statements felt heavy to me — I could feel them in the pit of my stomach. All the true statements, however, felt light and could be felt in my chest or head.
If you really listen to yourself you’ll get the answer. It’s just that over time, many of us have been conditioned to overrule our hearts with our heads, when really, you need a combination of both.
It sounds so obvious as I’m writing this and I know ‘follow your heart’ has become such a cliche, but until the last year or so, it’s something I have struggled with without actually being aware that I was.
I can’t specifically remember which audio this was from but I remember feeling quite emotional after the session because I felt I’d made a lot of decisions in the past without really engaging my heart or listening to my inner voice.
For example, I’d taken jobs out of fear because I thought I had limited opportunities. I’d also written blog posts in the past trying to please everyone rather than really speaking my mind.
I remember reading books that would tell me to write at least an article a day in order to have a successful blog. During this course I ended up deleting loads of blog posts because my heart wasn’t fully engaged at the time of writing.
I realise that I might have gone a little off track, and that you’re reading this because you want to know more about Unlimited Abundance. But, if you’re to take anything away from this review, it’s to listen to your inner voice, trust your intuition when you make decisions, have gratitude for the things currently in your life and save 10% of your income (and love doing it).
And on that note, I’d like to leave you with a quote from a Tim Ferris interview with Wim Hof that I listened to just after the session that really got me to think about being more authentic.
Tim Ferris asked Wim Hof:
“When you think of the word successful, who is the first person that comes to mind for you?”
Wim Hof replied
“The heart in any person”.
You can find out more about the Unlimited Abundance course here
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