Yoga Nidra for Connecting to Your Heart and Intuition (30 Minutes)
In this 30 minute Yoga Nidra Practice, I focus on the heart and third eye space, or Anahata and Ajna Chakras.
Often in a singular meditation practice, you might focus on either the heart or the space between the eyes. Although both techniques might lead to the same expansive state, the journeys are quite different. It’s often in the process that you can learn so much about what both these different parts of the body can teach us.
I was keen to create a Yoga Nidra that combined both the heart and third eye. I’d love to know your thoughts. I’m also open to any constructive criticism as although I’ve been facilitating Yoga Nidra for one-to-one yoga students for some time now, I’m new to creating recordings.
Thank you to Dimitris Loizos for creating the beautiful music that accompanies this Yoga Nidra practice for connecting to the Heart and Intuition
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